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Your 5 favourite blades

I would if I was going to be in town.

I was implying it more to T - he could have just asked me for a pack :)

Sad to hear you won't be able to make it.
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I'd love you to send me a pack. PM coming :)
  1. Gillette Silver Blue​
  2. Personna Israeli Red​
  3. Polsilver SI​
  4. Feather​
This based on my 1959 Red Tip and Muhle R89.
That said, I have a Fat Boy in the mail as we speak. It will be interesting to see which blade I think works best in that.​
Now that I've experienced the Injector, my list is probably:

1. Injector
2. Gem
3. Treet DS Carbon
4. Voskhod
5. Polsilver SI

Hopefully straights and kamis will upset this list some time soon.
For me, it's probably something like
1. ASCO Blue
2. Treet Platinum
3. Shark Super
4. Astra SP
5. Lord Super

I don't really get what's going on with these Lord blades. They all feel very similar with subtle differences. It feels like ASCO blues are different to ASCO red/oranges, but the few comments i see about them say that they're the same. I mostly used Lord Supers but it seemed like one or two blades per pack felt rougher than the others, it's strange enough for me to think all of this Lord nonsense is in my head.
Top 5 of what I have shaved with

  • Schick Super Stainless Comfort Edge
  • Aussie Spoilers
  • Wilkinson Sword Super Sword Edge
  • Personna Super Platinum Chrome late 70's Red blister pack.
  • Perma-Sharp Super Stainless
My top 5 might change at some point, there is so much un-tested blades in my stash ( English Gillette Platinum, Gillette Super Silver Platinum Hardened, GBE, French Super Stainless, Gillette Plus Platinum etc etc )
Wilkonson Sword

I mostly like blades on the milder side, at the end of the day, they’re still blades, and they will cut. The only blades I’ve had a negative experience with, are Merkur blades.
  1. Permasharp Super
  2. Voskhod
  3. Rapira Chrome (new to list as of Saturday - not fully vetted yet but thoroughly impressed)
  4. Ladas
  5. Astra SP or Rapira Platinum Lux
1. Polsilver Super Iridium
2. Vintage Polsilver Stainless
3. Gillette Silver Blue
4. Perma-Sharp Super
5. Voskhod
@khun_diddy is there only one type of injector blade?
Personna (in many disguises)
Schick (from China, cost ~5x)
Schick Twin (from Japan, don't fit all injectors)

Everything else is Vintage ;)
The top 3 are pretty clear

Gillette SharpEdge Yellow
Astra SS (blue)

After that, any of these ....
Astra SP (green)
Gillette Silver Blue
Personna Red
Personna Blue

Need to try the Voskhods and Polsilvers again. Didn't seem to be that great for me when I sampled them.
Slight revision as time has passed.

[1] Most of my Russian straights from the 1950's to mid 1960's
[2] Tanifuji 1958
[3] Invicata 6/8 Extra hollow
[4] Sonnal 6/8"
[5] Puma 223 5/8"

and of course GEM and Personna injector