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Troy Tools Custom Brush Handles

I think the secret owner may have hinted at some ideas a few pages back... :X3:

Congrats to the lucky recipient and awesome seeing a master turner testing the limits by creating something so beautiful from buffalo horn. (y)
Oh wow, a custom ordered brush here in the form of "nature's plastic" (buffalo horn).
Harder and denser than anything I've turned on the wood lathe before (stinks to hell too when working it) but boy it turned out just beautiful. All natural character grain included under the natural shine by sanding and polishing only.
Look for it soon in the monthly acquisitions thread I'm sure.
Topped with a 28mm 2 band fan.



Thanks Troy, Same photos as before but it looks better today. I’ll be proud to put that one on display.
Thanks Troy, Same photos as before but it looks better today. I’ll be proud to put that one on display.
You're very welcome Errol. When the sun comes out fully, (pouring rain today) I want to get a little video of it spinning slowly in the sun.
I'm working on the next one already.

Congratulations to you both (y):love:(y):unsure:
These are the ones I was talking about @mr626 - wonderful new artisan brush maker!
Very nice. That shape looks like it'll be very comfortable to hold. (y)
Very comfortable this shape, in various positions for the various functions, lathering knot down in a bowl the shape is comfortable for the time needed there, lathering on face the grip is different of course, but very nice still, the fingers just fit nicely wherever you need them for the various grips needed for the task at hand at the time. Very versatile shape that I really like.