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First Look - I’m a huge fan of Otters and can sit and watch them by the water side for hours, so it comes as no surprise that I love the artwork on most of the Noble Otter shaving soap tubs. I can’t say the same about Orbit, the gold lettering bleeding a bit into the blue background and the otter in a space helmet looking more like a rat was a bit of a disappointment for me. The artwork aims to convey the message of coolness but falls flat for me.

Side note – The seeds of Noble otter were sown when Cody Wick received a gift from his wife that helped him discover the joys of traditional wet shaving and led him on a journey to formulate the best products possible for wet shavers globally. Experimenting with different blends, formulations and fragrances based on feedback from the wet shaving community, Noble Otter was officially launched in 2017. Since then, the company has established itself as a force to reckon with and one relied on for top shelf wet shaving software.

First Whiff – The company’s aim was to create the concept of clean, cool space in a tub. The fragrance profile is meant to be fresh Eucalyptus, Rose and Frozen Space (was tough figuring this one out). The detailed scent notes listed are Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Atlas Cedarwood, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver and Frozen Space. At first whiff I get sandalwood, the Bergamot seems to hover a bit around the Sandalwood and the Rose and Vetiver comes through in gentle waves if I inhale deeply. I would have loved this soap to smell a bit more complex but the sandalwood seems to overpower the other essential oils or fragrance molecules included.

First Lather – Open the container and the soap seems like a hard puck but it is relatively easy to scoop out almost like a hardened toffee pudding given the brown color. Using my HC & Co Bowl and Razorock Hive Brush I proceeded to build a pasty lather with a teaspoon of soap and a tablespoon of water. A minute later, I let the lather hydrate for thirty seconds before returning back to the swirling process, two tablespoons more of water and 90 seconds of brush rotation produced a thick, creamy and luxurious lather. Like all Noble Otter soaps, Orbit shines in the lather department and the credit goes to it’s Ingredient profile which includes Stearic Acid, Beef Tallow, Coconut Milk, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Potassium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Lanolin, Tucuma Seed Butter, Kokum Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Fragrance, Koolada-23, Bentonite Clay, Tocopheral Acetate, Citric Acid, Watermelon Extract, Whitewillow Bark Extract and Tussah Silk.

I'm with you about the NO artwork, which started out really elegantly conceived, but is now just excessively "busy". Some of the scents are a bit polarising: I love the "wet stone" scent (and the artwork) of Hamami, but my wife's reaction was "Urrgh, what's that stink?". :cry: I kept the empty tub, and still sniff it from time to time when I'm alone. :LOL:



First Look - A colorful sketch of two women enjoying a cup of tea in what looks like a vineyard. They seem to be sharing a light-hearted moment and this cover makes me happy with its positive vibe every time I glance at it. I’m a fan of cartoons and caricatures, so this image set on an aluminum base with the brand and soap's name surrounding it is definitely one that I like.

Side note – Bundubeard owner and artisan Jaco Grobler comes from the construction industry where he ran his own company with a team of employees under him. Tired of the stress and the pressure that comes with running a construction business and with a leaning towards working with his own hands on something he was passionate about, Bundubeard/Boendoebaard was born. The aim of the company was to use the finest locally sourced ingredients to create affordable shaving software and other related products for South Africans so that they could have the best at the most affordable price, while saving thousands of rands by adopting classic wet shaving.

First Whiff – On opening the container, the fragrance of Afternoon Tea was a googly for me, if you are a cricket fan you would get that. I picked up a faint tea like note hidden underneath a light floral but powdery front with a subtle wine scent, a second whiff had a homemade cookie or biscuit like note to it. So, I went back to the look at the artisan’s word on the fragrance and then it hit me, this was actually pure genius. He describes the scent of it as two friends sipping tea in a relaxed mood at an open table in Cape Winelands (known for producing some of the country’s finest wines) with freshly baked delicious goodies on offer. Jaco created this soap for the fairer sex, it even has a matching aftershave leg balm titled Bundubabe ‘Afternoon Tea.’ This soap would definitely appeal to women but it would charm wet shaving males as well. While it is mid strength, the fragrance stands apart from the regular musk, tobacco, floral, candy sweet, fruity or leather focussed alternatives. Bundubeard set out to create a unique experience with this one and like me if you love cookies and biscuits dunked in a lightly floral or Rooibos tea, you will enjoy your shaves with it.

First Lather – This is roughly a 6.3 ounce pour in a brownish croap consistency. Scooping a teaspoon of it into my Hendrix Classics & Co bowl, I swirled my damp badger Brush in it for a minute before setting it aside to rest and absorb the water for thirty seconds. I followed this up with two cycles of adding a tablespoon of water and thirty seconds of brush rotations each time. It was amazing to see the lather build up in the bowl akin to whipping up heavy double cream, that’s exactly what it looked like. I lifted the brush out of the bowl with the lather and it felt like those good old Dairy Queen Ice creams that can be turned over without dripping or falling out of the cone. Post shave I even let the lather stay on the brush for an hour but it didn’t break down, maintaining its smooth and rich appearance. This is one of finest lathers I have seen any soap produce.


First Performance – I’m a fan of Mutton tallow and find that it works way better than it’s bovine counterpart in terms of slickness and post shave feel for me. I’m a bigger fan of minimal ingredients and Afternoon Tea consists of just Mutton tallow, H20, Sodium Hydroxide, Potassium Hydroxide, Stearic Acid, Castor oil, Kalahari Melon oil, Virgin cold pressed Coconut oil off the tree, fragrance oils and essential oils. I had high expectations of this soap and I wasn’t disappointed. While applying the lather on my face, I could just tell that this soap was a skin nourishing product, my face felt good even before the first pass. My first pass with the Greencult 1.0 and a Wizamet Super Iridium blade was a breeze while mowing down a five day growth. The cushion and protection was top notch with the residual slickness just confirming why that razor seemed to glide effortlessly on my face. A second pass was enough for a BBS result with no touch ups and that slickness was still there on the cheeks in abundance. I’m going to credit the soap’s performance to the purity of ingredients in it and the perfect ratio of them used to create something magical.

First Opinion – Bundubeard’s ‘Afternoon Tea’ did not wow me with its fragrance but it was pleasant and intriguing enough for me to return to the tub a couple of times to sniff it. The 6 ounce plus pour and the aluminum container make this top value but importing it from the company’s website can be expensive due to shipping costs unless imported as a bulk order. Putting all that aside, this is one of the best performing soaps I have ever used and am more than eager to try out as many as I can from this wonderful and skilled artisan, “Jaco, you have a new fan Broer.”

Cover Art Work
– 7 / 10

Lather Quality – 10 / 10

Fragrance – 6 / 10

Cushion & Protection – 10 / 10

Slickness – 10 / 10

Post Shave Feel – 10 / 10

Value – 10 / 10

Total Point Score – 63 / 70

2 reviews in one week, my cup runneth over :LOL:

Wow, what an interesting sounding soap, so thanks. (y) I should explore the mutton fat soaps. Many have said that the Stirling sheep are superior to their other products. That would be a big call. I still love their Bergamot Lavender.
I'm with you about the NO artwork, which started out really elegantly conceived, but is now just excessively "busy". Some of the scents are a bit polarising: I love the "wet stone" scent (and the artwork) of Hamami, but my wife's reaction was "Urrgh, what's that stink?". :cry: I kept the empty tub, and still sniff it from time to time when I'm alone. :LOL:
I like Hamami too mate and my folks don't dig it. Lovely soap and unique. I think the older artwork was classy, gave the brand it's own identity.

2 reviews in one week, my cup runneth over :LOL:

Wow, what an interesting sounding soap, so thanks. (y) I should explore the mutton fat soaps. Many have said that the Stirling sheep are superior to their other products. That would be a big call. I still love their Bergamot Lavender.
I'd go with whatever I could find in the Stirling Mutton Tallow cause they won't be around for long. Haverford ( Vanilla Tobacco), Varen (Bergamot, Geranium etc.) and Glacial Electric Sheep ( Citronella forward with a huge menthol kick and a lovely dry down) and just Sheep are top notch. The only two Mutton Tallow soaps you should stay away from are Glastonbury (Patchouli heavy) and Port Au prince (Strong herbal notes). Rod's soaps spell top quality, excellent value and a generous pour in each tub, sometimes a little more than what the weight suggest.

You will love Bundubeard, their mutton tallow soaps don't have any gamey smell to them and they perform like a dream. Personally and through experience mutton tallow soaps have always worked better for me then Beef tallow.



First Look - A large anchor, half a man’s face(definitely Italian), the word ‘captain’ in bold text and roman numerals, this shaving soap tub cover caught my attention the first time I saw it online, it was intriguing. When I received the tub I kept going back to look at the artwork thinking I was missing something and then it hit me, this was sheer genius by Rasoigoodfellas, the half face and the anchor form the word ‘Il’ or Italian for ‘The’ with the text, the numerals and the circle holding the artwork within, completing the title of this soap, ‘Il Capitano 2’ or 'The Captain 2.'

Side note – In a past review of the Goodfellas Smile Abysso Shaving soap, I summarized the history of Barbieri Uniti Srl and the Donghi Brothers who are behind it all. Rasoigoodfellas is their official website where every product of the brands they own are available. This time, I thought it better to provide a link to those interested in reading about this trusted Italian company in Nicola Donghi’s own words - https://www.rasoigoodfellas.eu/about-us/

First Whiff – I’m going to cut to the chase with the fragrance of this soap as I have used the previous version which was manufactured by Tcheon Fung Sing. Il Capitano 2 is a dupe of Jean Paul Gaultier’s ‘Le Male’, not inspired by but a spot on dupe. To me it smells much better than its previous avatar and at first whiff I get a good bit of lavender and mint, a hint of cardamom and bergamot which then gives way to orange blossom and caraway, all resting on a bed of vanilla, tonka bean, amber and sandalwood. While I failed to pick up the artemisia or cinnamon present in the original JPG fragrance, the three most powerful notes of mint, lavender and vanilla towered above the rest. This is an oriental fougere that is refreshing and uplifting. When launched in 1995, JPG 'Le Male' was a graduation gift from a friend and my departure from using Old Spice or Tabac aftershaves as a fragrance to charm the girls in university days. I absolutely love the way this shaving soap smells.

First Lather – This is a 3.4 ounce pour and like other TGS soaps has a creamy consistency to it. Using my Yaqi Bandstand silvertip badger brush and my HC & Co bowl it took me a minute to create a strong white paste. Il Capitano 2 like its TGS siblings is a thirsty soap, hydrate it well and it will reward you. So two more cycles of adding a tablespoon of water and 90 second brush rotations each time was enough to produce a lather that looked like a white chocolate souffle. It wasn’t dense but yet firm as ever and thick. I could also give the Yaqi badger brush about 10 percent of the credit for this but I was super impressed with how unique this lather was.


First Performance – Il Capitano 2 is an upgraded formula of the first version made by TFS and is considered premium as compared to the other TGS soaps, this can be credited to the star ingredients which are Castor oil, Mango butter, Shea butter, Peach butter and Walnut butter. While peach butter is considered a skin revitalizer, walnut butter is known to soothe the driest of skin, the rest of the pack have surfaced in other artisan soaps many times and are known to be great for the skin as well. I was expecting a really good performance from this soap and I was right. My first pass with the Stirling Hyper Aggressive razor and a Feather blade left my skin feeling smooth and without the need to continue. I still proceeded with another half pass to attain a BBS result. Post shave I checked for slickness and it was minimal but my skin felt really hydrated and smooth as silk. Those skin nourishing butters Rasoigoodfellas have been raving about, they certainly delivered where it mattered the most, with the post shave feel. A few hours later and my skin felt really good, my only crib was that while painting the lather on my face, the fragrance strength weakened.

First Opinion – Rasoigoodfellas Il Capitano 2 is a delightful shaving soap with a pleasant fragrance, fans of JPG ‘Le Male’ will love this to bits. The upgraded formula is one of the company’s best non tallow shaving soap offerings and as close to a premium tallow based soap in performance as possible. The only downside to it is that the company ships to Europe, the UK and USA, so procuring it can be a bit of a challenge but get a close mate who lives abroad to send it across and you will be one happy camper.

Cover Art Work – 9 / 10

Lather Quality – 8 / 10

Fragrance – 7 / 10

Cushion & Protection – 8 / 10

Slickness – 6 / 10

Post Shave Feel – 9 / 10

Value – 10 / 10

Total Point Score – 57 / 70

Availabilty – Exclusively at www.rasoigoodfellas.eu
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First Look - A simple looking label with the brand name, the star ingredient, the town and state of origin in the United States and a ship’s wheel stares at me. A closer look reveals the scent description, mentioned under the soap’s name. On any given day I would have passed this off as a run off the mill shaving soap tub cover but hang on, there is depth to this. Red signifies the color of love and of roses, the rose is the king of all flowers when it comes to a lad proposing to a girl or just expressing his ‘Love,’ simple but genius if you ask me. The Soap Commander branding is easily recognizable and that works for me.

Side note – Owner Carrie Seibert took the plunge into skin nourishing products to help her daughter out with skin related issues. Gifting her homemade products to neighbors soon turned into a small scale business targeted at women and then changed direction to one focusing on men’s grooming. After tons of tests with tallow and many different ingredients she along with husband Darren settled upon a base that was entirely vegan and affordable for wet shavers. Each and every soap of SC is named after a human trait or emotion with the concept being, “when you pick up an SC soap it should motivate you for the day ahead or leave you with a positive message, this is in line with the company’s motto , “Take Charge.’Today Carrie runs the business on her own maintaining her customer base through high standards of quality.

First Whiff – Love is a Limited edition offering from Soap Commander and on opening the container it hit me smack in the face, that Rose fragrance, not a sickly sweet or candy like floral offering, nothing overwhelming, no leather, citrus or woody notes but just the ‘flower of love’ in its purest and untainted form. There is nothing chemical or artificial present in the fragrance profile of this soap. The best way to describe it would be fresh rose petals plucked and then crushed in the palm of your hands. This scent which is medium to high strength is refreshing, calming and extremely addictive. I am guilty as charged of having opened the container randomly just to get a whiff of that fragrance over and over again. To me no other pure rose offering in perfume, eau de toilette, cologne, after shave or soap can hold a candle to it and that’s coming from a lad who is a mega fan of rose scented products.

First Lather – Love is a 3 ounce pour, blemish free white and soft in appearance, but when scooping a teaspoon out I did notice that it was actually quite a hard soap. Following that amazing scent test, I was expecting much from this soap and it did shine in the lather department. Using my damp Fine Accoutrements Stout synthetic brush with my Hendrix Classics & Co bowl was never easier with the soap producing a rich and super creamy lather in just two 60 second cycles of brush rotation aided by two tablespoons of water. The lather was rich, luxurious and had a beautiful sheen to it, very impressive.


First Performance – 'Love' like all SC products contains minimalist ingredients including Stearic Acid, Distilled Water, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Potassium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Sodium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, and Fragrance. While I was painting the lather on my cheeks, I felt like I was strolling into a Rose garden and when I was all lathered up, I was pretty sure that I was standing in the midst of it. A first pass with my Stirling aggressive standard razor and a Wizamet blade was hassle free with the soap providing a decent amount of cushion and protection. Another half pass and I was in BBS territory, let me rephrase that, ‘In BBS Rose territory.” Post shave I did check my cheeks for any residual slickness and it was present but not as much as some shavers claim, that however didn’t hamper the soap's excellent performance during the shave.

First Opinion – I was late to the Soap Commander party unlike many other fellow wet shavers and I’m grateful to have finally made it. Love is an extraordinary soap in terms of its True Rose fragrance, beats me how Carrie churned out this one but it was enough to put me on the SC shaving soap trail for life. Top recommendation on this one.

Cover Art Work – 7 / 10

Lather Quality – 10 / 10

Fragrance – 10 / 10 (Would have actually scored this a 12 on 10)

Cushion & Protection – 8 / 10

Slickness – 6 / 10

Post Shave Feel – 7 / 10

Value – 10 / 10

Total Point Score – 58 / 70

Availabilityhttps://soapcommander.com/ , https://pasteurpharmacy.com/ , https://maggardrazors.com/ and other online retailers
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First Look - A simple looking label with the brand name, the star ingredient, the town and state of origin in the United States and a ship’s wheel stares at me. A closer look reveals the scent description, mentioned under the soap’s name. On any given day I would have passed this off as a run off the mill shaving soap tub cover but hang on, there is depth to this. Red signifies the color of love and of roses, the rose is the king of all flowers when it comes to a lad proposing to a girl or just expressing his ‘Love,’ simple but genius if you ask me. The Soap Commander branding is easily recognizable and that works for me.

Side note – Owner Carrie Seibert took the plunge into skin nourishing products to help her daughter out with skin related issues. Gifting her homemade products to neighbors soon turned into a small scale business targeted at women and then changed direction to one focusing on men’s grooming. After tons of tests with tallow and many different ingredients she along with husband Darren settled upon a base that was entirely vegan and affordable for wet shavers. Each and every soap of SC is named after a human trait or emotion with the concept being, “when you pick up an SC soap it should motivate you for the day ahead or leave you with a positive message, this is in line with the company’s motto , “Take Charge.’Today Carrie runs the business on her own maintaining her customer base through high standards of quality.

First Whiff – Love is a Limited edition offering from Soap Commander and on opening the container it hit me smack in the face, that Rose fragrance, not a sickly sweet or candy like floral offering, nothing overwhelming, no leather, citrus or woody notes but just the ‘flower of love’ in its purest and untainted form. There is nothing chemical or artificial present in the fragrance profile of this soap. The best way to describe it would be fresh rose petals plucked and then crushed in the palm of your hands. This scent which is medium to high strength is refreshing, calming and extremely addictive. I am guilty as charged of having opened the container randomly just to get a whiff of that fragrance over and over again. To me no other pure rose offering in perfume, eau de toilette, cologne, after shave or soap can hold a candle to it and that’s coming from a lad who is a mega fan of rose scented products.

First Lather – Love is a 3 ounce pour, blemish free white and soft in appearance, but when scooping a teaspoon out I did notice that it was actually quite a hard soap. Following that amazing scent test, I was expecting much from this soap and it did shine in the lather department. Using my damp Fine Accoutrements Stout synthetic brush with my Hendrix Classics & Co bowl was never easier with the soap producing a rich and super creamy lather in just two 60 second cycles of brush rotation aided by two tablespoons of water. The lather was rich, luxurious and had a beautiful sheen to it, very impressive.


First Performance – 'Love' like all SC products contains minimalist ingredients including Stearic Acid, Distilled Water, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Potassium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Sodium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, and Fragrance. While I was painting the lather on my cheeks, I felt like I was strolling into a Rose garden and when I was all lathered up, I was pretty sure that I was standing in the midst of it. A first pass with my Stirling aggressive standard razor and a Wizamet blade was hassle free with the soap providing a decent amount of cushion and protection. Another half pass and I was in BBS territory, let me rephrase that, ‘In BBS Rose territory.” Post shave I did check my cheeks for any residual slickness and it was present but not as much as some shavers claim, that however didn’t hamper the soap's excellent performance during the shave.

First Opinion – I was late to the Soap Commander party unlike many other fellow wet shavers and I’m grateful to have finally made it. Love is an extraordinary soap in terms of its True Rose fragrance, beats me how Carrie churned out this one but it was enough to put me on the SC shaving soap trail for life. Top recommendation on this one.

Cover Art Work – 7 / 10

Lather Quality – 10 / 10

Fragrance – 10 / 10 (Would have actually scored this a 12 on 10)

Cushion & Protection – 8 / 10

Slickness – 6 / 10

Post Shave Feel – 7 / 10

Value – 10 / 10

Total Point Score – 58 / 70

Availabilityhttps://soapcommander.com/ , https://pasteurpharmacy.com/ , https://maggardrazors.com/ and other online retailers
Great review @Bladerunner7 the fragrance must be quite something.
I have the Areffa Soap Crazy Pumpkin that's the only soap I have tried that filled
my bathroom with its scent and very nice too>
Great review @Bladerunner7 the fragrance must be quite something.
I have the Areffa Soap Crazy Pumpkin that's the only soap I have tried that filled
my bathroom with its scent and very nice too>
Love Crazy Pumpkin but it's very masculine and has an amazing blend of different fragrance notes. SC's Love on the other hand is just one pure and stunning fragrance note, as I said one of the best smelling shaving soaps I have used. The best part, the ladies dig it big time.



First Look - A simple looking label with the brand name, the star ingredient, the town and state of origin in the United States and a ship’s wheel stares at me. A closer look reveals the scent description, mentioned under the soap’s name. On any given day I would have passed this off as a run off the mill shaving soap tub cover but hang on, there is depth to this. Red signifies the color of love and of roses, the rose is the king of all flowers when it comes to a lad proposing to a girl or just expressing his ‘Love,’ simple but genius if you ask me. The Soap Commander branding is easily recognizable and that works for me.

Side note – Owner Carrie Seibert took the plunge into skin nourishing products to help her daughter out with skin related issues. Gifting her homemade products to neighbors soon turned into a small scale business targeted at women and then changed direction to one focusing on men’s grooming. After tons of tests with tallow and many different ingredients she along with husband Darren settled upon a base that was entirely vegan and affordable for wet shavers. Each and every soap of SC is named after a human trait or emotion with the concept being, “when you pick up an SC soap it should motivate you for the day ahead or leave you with a positive message, this is in line with the company’s motto , “Take Charge.’Today Carrie runs the business on her own maintaining her customer base through high standards of quality.

First Whiff – Love is a Limited edition offering from Soap Commander and on opening the container it hit me smack in the face, that Rose fragrance, not a sickly sweet or candy like floral offering, nothing overwhelming, no leather, citrus or woody notes but just the ‘flower of love’ in its purest and untainted form. There is nothing chemical or artificial present in the fragrance profile of this soap. The best way to describe it would be fresh rose petals plucked and then crushed in the palm of your hands. This scent which is medium to high strength is refreshing, calming and extremely addictive. I am guilty as charged of having opened the container randomly just to get a whiff of that fragrance over and over again. To me no other pure rose offering in perfume, eau de toilette, cologne, after shave or soap can hold a candle to it and that’s coming from a lad who is a mega fan of rose scented products.

First Lather – Love is a 3 ounce pour, blemish free white and soft in appearance, but when scooping a teaspoon out I did notice that it was actually quite a hard soap. Following that amazing scent test, I was expecting much from this soap and it did shine in the lather department. Using my damp Fine Accoutrements Stout synthetic brush with my Hendrix Classics & Co bowl was never easier with the soap producing a rich and super creamy lather in just two 60 second cycles of brush rotation aided by two tablespoons of water. The lather was rich, luxurious and had a beautiful sheen to it, very impressive.


First Performance – 'Love' like all SC products contains minimalist ingredients including Stearic Acid, Distilled Water, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, Potassium Hydroxide, Glycerin, Sodium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, and Fragrance. While I was painting the lather on my cheeks, I felt like I was strolling into a Rose garden and when I was all lathered up, I was pretty sure that I was standing in the midst of it. A first pass with my Stirling aggressive standard razor and a Wizamet blade was hassle free with the soap providing a decent amount of cushion and protection. Another half pass and I was in BBS territory, let me rephrase that, ‘In BBS Rose territory.” Post shave I did check my cheeks for any residual slickness and it was present but not as much as some shavers claim, that however didn’t hamper the soap's excellent performance during the shave.

First Opinion – I was late to the Soap Commander party unlike many other fellow wet shavers and I’m grateful to have finally made it. Love is an extraordinary soap in terms of its True Rose fragrance, beats me how Carrie churned out this one but it was enough to put me on the SC shaving soap trail for life. Top recommendation on this one.

Cover Art Work – 7 / 10

Lather Quality – 10 / 10

Fragrance – 10 / 10 (Would have actually scored this a 12 on 10)

Cushion & Protection – 8 / 10

Slickness – 6 / 10

Post Shave Feel – 7 / 10

Value – 10 / 10

Total Point Score – 58 / 70

Availabilityhttps://soapcommander.com/ , https://pasteurpharmacy.com/ , https://maggardrazors.com/ and other online retailers
Sounds a lot like MdC Rose - I assume you've tried that? What do you think?