First Look - I’m a huge fan of Otters and can sit and watch them by the water side for hours, so it comes as no surprise that I love the artwork on most of the Noble Otter shaving soap tubs. I can’t say the same about Orbit, the gold lettering bleeding a bit into the blue background and the otter in a space helmet looking more like a rat was a bit of a disappointment for me. The artwork aims to convey the message of coolness but falls flat for me.
Side note – The seeds of Noble otter were sown when Cody Wick received a gift from his wife that helped him discover the joys of traditional wet shaving and led him on a journey to formulate the best products possible for wet shavers globally. Experimenting with different blends, formulations and fragrances based on feedback from the wet shaving community, Noble Otter was officially launched in 2017. Since then, the company has established itself as a force to reckon with and one relied on for top shelf wet shaving software.
First Whiff – The company’s aim was to create the concept of clean, cool space in a tub. The fragrance profile is meant to be fresh Eucalyptus, Rose and Frozen Space (was tough figuring this one out). The detailed scent notes listed are Bergamot, Eucalyptus, Atlas Cedarwood, Rose, Sandalwood, Vetiver and Frozen Space. At first whiff I get sandalwood, the Bergamot seems to hover a bit around the Sandalwood and the Rose and Vetiver comes through in gentle waves if I inhale deeply. I would have loved this soap to smell a bit more complex but the sandalwood seems to overpower the other essential oils or fragrance molecules included.
First Lather – Open the container and the soap seems like a hard puck but it is relatively easy to scoop out almost like a hardened toffee pudding given the brown color. Using my HC & Co Bowl and Razorock Hive Brush I proceeded to build a pasty lather with a teaspoon of soap and a tablespoon of water. A minute later, I let the lather hydrate for thirty seconds before returning back to the swirling process, two tablespoons more of water and 90 seconds of brush rotation produced a thick, creamy and luxurious lather. Like all Noble Otter soaps, Orbit shines in the lather department and the credit goes to it’s Ingredient profile which includes Stearic Acid, Beef Tallow, Coconut Milk, Aloe Vera, Glycerin, Potassium Hydroxide, Castor Oil, Coconut Oil, Avocado Oil, Lanolin, Tucuma Seed Butter, Kokum Butter, Sodium Hydroxide, Fragrance, Koolada-23, Bentonite Clay, Tocopheral Acetate, Citric Acid, Watermelon Extract, Whitewillow Bark Extract and Tussah Silk.
I'm with you about the NO artwork, which started out really elegantly conceived, but is now just excessively "busy". Some of the scents are a bit polarising: I love the "wet stone" scent (and the artwork) of Hamami, but my wife's reaction was "Urrgh, what's that stink?".