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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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I don’t need another bloody soap into my den.


If I give a new soap a two thumbs up award, it's worth breaking sabbaticals !

I am but a corruptor of the corrupted :LOL:
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Razor: BBS-1
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Tony Forsyth Platypus Prototype Bob Quinn Manchurian
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post: EVOO

For some reason I find no time to take pictures of my SOTD's lately - but I just had to post this "retro" (for me anyway) shave...the shave itself still as magnificent as back then. What a shame the Nay sayers (who always seem to have a proportionally much louder voice) stopped the production of this wonderful razor - smooth and efficient with this wonderfully thin head geometry.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday (y)
Razor: BBS-1
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Tony Forsyth Platypus Prototype Bob Quinn Manchurian
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post: EVOO

For some reason I find no time to take pictures of my SOTD's lately - but I just had to post this "retro" (for me anyway) shave...the shave itself still as magnificent as back then. What a shame the Nay sayers (who always seem to have a proportionally much louder voice) stopped the production of this wonderful razor - smooth and efficient with this wonderfully thin head geometry.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday (y)
Welcome back @alfredus - we've missed you're wonderful SOTD posts! (y)

Prep: Valobra Glycerlanolina soap, Myrsol Emulsion
Brush: Tony Forsyth P&C LE 2017 Platypus High Mountain White Badger
Cream: Proraso Green
Razor: Wolfman WR1
Blade: Polsilver Wizamet Brown (1)
Post: Thayers Cucumber Witch Hazel; Proraso Green Aftershave Splash

Classic shaving products must earn that lable - Proraso Green is a prime example.
Consistent great performance and reasonable pricing. The lather for this shave was terrific, easily allowing for a very comfortable three pass shave with a BBS result.

Thursday‌ ‌10.22.20 ‌SOTD‌
RazoRock‌ ‌Pre‌ ‌Barba‌ ‌Pre‌ ‌Shave‌ ‌Gel‌
Razorock SLOC / Astra‌ ‌Superior Platinum
Yaqi R1605-S Resin Tuxedo
RazoRock‌ ‌XXX‌ ‌Italian‌ ‌Shaving‌ ‌Soap‌ ‌
RazoRock‌ ‌XXX‌ ‌After‌ ‌Shaving‌ ‌Splash
That’s all you need just two favourite blades into your den Nacet and Wizamet.
That's mostly what I have now, and I thought I would never need another until I recently discovered how fantastic the Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow is as a partner for the GC-JAWS. It's like they're made for each other.

However, I don't feel the need to push my blades to the absolute limit. Three or four days is the limit with just about anything I've tried (face and head). Any more than that, and my skin ends up looking like a pizza. I might be a bad boy, but I don't feel the need to punish myself that much. These blades are CHEAP.

Incidentally, I'm stuck with some 70 Euromax blades (freebies, obviously) that'll just end up in the recycling bucket unless anyone wants them...
Date:- 22 October 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- Yaqi Sagrada Familia Tuxedo Synth. 24/53mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Stirling Pumpkin Spice
Razor/Blade:- EJ 3one6 / Voskhod #9
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (30 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Fragrance:- Tommy Hilfiger for Men

The Stirling Pumpkin Spice really takes me back to my childhood when my grandmother always make pumpkin pie every winter season, the only issue keeps clicking my brain, I don't remember IF I ever had Pumpkin Spice pie :banghead::banghead::banghead:

You guys really need to get yourself a sample of the Stirling Pumpkin Spice, because, I really enjoy it very much.

Brush: Graydog Arizona Mesquite Maggard 28mm SHD fan
Razor: Smart Helix Apollo 0.50mm Mild plate
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridiums (8)
Soap: CELLA Organic - thanks @tullfan
Pre: Shower
Post: Nivea 2 phase A/S Lotion & Post Shave Balm

A really smooth and refreshing shave with this setup. Fist shave with the hand me down soap and its a great alternative to the almond scent of CELLA red.
Wishing you Good Health, Happy Shaves & A Pleasant Weekend!!!
Razor: BBS-1
Blade: Ladas Super Stainless (1)
Brush: Tony Forsyth Platypus Prototype Bob Quinn Manchurian
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
Post: EVOO

For some reason I find no time to take pictures of my SOTD's lately - but I just had to post this "retro" (for me anyway) shave...the shave itself still as magnificent as back then. What a shame the Nay sayers (who always seem to have a proportionally much louder voice) stopped the production of this wonderful razor - smooth and efficient with this wonderfully thin head geometry.

I hope you all have a terrific Thursday (y)
Thought the WR2 was to address this issue and add something back to the Wolfman pack in the absence of the BBS-1?

Incidentally, I'm stuck with some 70 Euromax blades (freebies, obviously) that'll just end up in the recycling bucket unless anyone wants them...
Put them up on the PIF thread so we know they are available than buried in here. The reviews seem good. Tempted myself but have hundreds of blades to go through.

Soap: Soap by Luna - Fauno
Brush: Master Badger
Razor: Vector
Blade: Schick Proline (1)
Post: Pb Calendula Balm
Another day, another superb shave. Very glad it's Friday.
I think if Luna's soaps were available in Australia they would be very popular. Very nice soap.
That's mostly what I have now, and I thought I would never need another until I recently discovered how fantastic the Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow is as a partner for the GC-JAWS. It's like they're made for each other.

However, I don't feel the need to push my blades to the absolute limit. Three or four days is the limit with just about anything I've tried (face and head). Any more than that, and my skin ends up looking like a pizza. I might be a bad boy, but I don't feel the need to punish myself that much. These blades are CHEAP.

Incidentally, I'm stuck with some 70 Euromax blades (freebies, obviously) that'll just end up in the recycling bucket unless anyone wants them...
From experience the Euromax are a surprisingly good mid range blade and pair well with the Rockwell 6S.
Lather: Mystic Water Bergamot, Cedarwood & Juniper
We don't see many Mystic Waters soaps appearing here. I'm a big fan of her Jeff's Lavender - I've got 3 tubs on the way at the moment (sort of: stuck in NY for the last 10 days), and I think Michelle said that Bergamot/Cedarwood/Juniper was one of the samples she would be sending as well. Looking forward to that...
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