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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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Soap: Pb Red Dwarf
Brush: SOC Cherry Boar
Razor: Titan R1 T.H. 64
AS: Barristers Reserve - Spice

Received the Titan in the mail this week. I decided to purchase one after @rbscebu created some interest with his Titan seven day sets. The idea of a cheap razor is appealing but not if it's going to be rubbish or not perform. The clincher for me was that the Titan is made of Japanese steel and Titan offers a few models of varying hardness steel. Initially I thought I'd go the cheaper model as I was trying to keep this exercise within reasonable economic bounds but again thought I'd be better off spending a little more and trying the harder blade.
This model is stated as R1 and has a blade hardness stated as between 61-65 HRC.
The razor comes in its own box, which is a nice touch, and a small strop. There are some contradictions in quality i.e. some aspects of the razor speak quality whilst other details are a bit 'how's ya going', but overall it comes across being a solid, reliable unit which I also think looks appealing. The blade is well pinned and tensioned within the scales.
The razor has reasonable heft with not only the blade being a decent chunk of steel but the scales are quite thick and weighty.
Initially under the scope the factory finish on the blade looked OK but once I started honing there were several large question marks appearing which suggested this was not going to be a quick job. The bevel was very rounded so once I started honing the wear marks were not touching the bottom half of the bevel, nor were they touching the heel or toe of the blade (the blade has a slight smile). Three honing sessions later (I spent a whole honing session on my Naniwa 1K stone and seriously thought I should've started on my Atoma 400K) and I had finally got the edge to about where I wanted. One positive aspect of the drawn out honing process was it was reflecting a hard steel, which all the through the honing process was showing up under the scope an edge with very good integrity.
When I started to shave with the razor this morning my initial thoughts were, this perhaps isn't a sharp as edge as I'd like, but the further I progressed into the shave it became apparent it was doing everything I asked of it, comfortably and efficiently and surefootedly (no sense it was going to bite if I didn't handle it well). After two passes and clean up passes I was very happy but had plenty of lather left so went another pass 'cause I could. Result - BBS.
The heavy scales take a little getting used to but overall I was very happy and looking forward to more shaves with the Titan. I'm interested to see how the blade responds to different finishing stones and which gives the best shave.
I would happily recommend the Titan but would suggest going for the models with harder steel as that is what makes this razor stand out, the superb edge that can be attained from good quality high hardness steel. The caveat being don't buy this razor if you don't enjoy your honing.:)
The R1 in the model description just refers to the scale description (red Mahogany with one endcap). The T.H. number refers to the minimum hardness (in this case 64 RHC). The blade is marked "ACRO T.H.64". ACRO is the type of steel. It is specially made in Japan for Titan to use in their straight razors. It is a good corrosion resistant martensitic fine grained stainless steel that, with the correct heat treatment, can achieve a hardness of a little over 70 RHC.

The Titan ACRO T.H.64 is a heavier SR mainly due to the aluminum alloy (5083 H321) used in the construction of the scales.
Pbgoose, was the stabilizer wear from the factory or did you have a go at it? I have a number of Chinese razors which after quite a bit of honing are solid performers.

To me they are a bit like the Hyundai i30, does everything you need it to but leaves you empty compared to a sports car or classic car. I made a 5 day set of mine, but felt no real joy. I bought 1 TI razor second hand for about the same price and am obsessed with it. They are cheap enough to indulge in them, and can be a great starter once fixed up by someone who knows what to do.
That stabiliser wear is factory finish. It is the same on their ACRO T.H.70's.

I bought a TI new but wasn't overly impressed with it. I thought that the quality, although good, was not worth the price and its shaving quality was no better that a lot of my other SR's. Maybe I just got a dud but it kind of turned me off French SR's.
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The R1 in the model description just refers to the scale description (red Mahogany with one endcap). The T.H. number refers to the minimum hardness (in this case 64 RHC). The blade is marked "ACRO T.H.64". ACRO is the type of steel. It is specially made in Japan for Titan to use in their straight razors. It is a good corrosion resistant martensitic fine grained stainless steel that, with the correct heat treatment, can achieve a hardness of a little over 70 RHC.

The Titan ACRO T.H.64 is a heavier SR mainly due to the aluminum alloy (5083 H321) used in the construction of the scales.
Good to know. In their description they simply state the model as R1 so it gets a little hard to keep track of all the numbers so thanks for the clarification.
rbscebu, sad to hear about the TI. I have heard other people say the quality has been off (especially the gold wash), not in my experience. Like life, it's the luck of the draw.
I've got three TI's and love them. I find them very consistent, great shavers and very nice to hone. Good to hear you've had good experience with them. I've also heard people comment that the finish on some of their new razors can be hit and miss but I haven't seen it.
Date:- 24 October 2020

Pre-shave:- Cold Water straight from the tap
Bowl/Scuttle:- Captain's Choice
Brush:- RazoRock Plissoft Bruce Synth. 24/57mm knot
Soap/Cream:- Mike’s Natural ~ Lime
Razor/Blade:- Karve CB Matt SS 'SB-C' / Vintage Gillette Aussie 'Gold' Spoiler #4
Post/After-shave:- T.N. Dickinson Witch Hazel Astringent mixed into the 240ml bottle with Invite E High Potency Pure Oil (30 drops), Natural Plant Glycerin (20) & Tea Tree Oil Antiseptic (5)
Fragrance:- Hugo Boss
...Only reason I don't go ATG on daily shaves as I will end up with a BBS shave and won't be able to shave for another 3 days waiting for my stubble to grow back. ( need to use up soaps every day :)).
You might be a lucky man. Being a blondie, I'm used to thinking of my hair as quite fine, but either something's changed or I was/am wrong. I can get a BBS at 7am, and by 4pm I can sand floorboards with my jaw. That's why I like my razors to be efficient. I guess it's probably also why I can't make my blades last nearly as long as others seem to.
Agree 100% regarding the Smart Helix Apollo as I find the 0.50mm Mid plate is surprisingly smooth & efficient with great balance from the handle.

My Rocca is currently on loan with my oldman (bound to never return) and the Apollo is an equally enjoyable shave with the option to up the efficiency with the Aggressive plate... Happy that @Errol & @Nico recommended it as its a under rated razor! :love:

the rocca is gone lol now you have a great reason for a birch 👍

how does the V4 stack up against the Apollo smart helix mid?
the rocca is gone lol now you have a great reason for a birch 👍

how does the V4 stack up against the Apollo smart helix mid?
Yeah I was reluctant to part with the R94 as the shaves are almost perfect but happy to lend it to the old man but now he's converted I need a replacement.

The Apollo is a well built razor with superior finish, a nimble head to shave those tough spots, great balance from handle and super smooth despite the small blade gaps: .50mm & .85mm. Its also a close shave with almost perfect amount of blade feel. For a first effort those clever Ukrainian's hit a home run producing a wonderful razor that deceptively shaves as good as it looks!

Having thick growth I would recommend the Apollo .85mm aggressive plate as it ticks all the right boxes: smoothness, efficiency when paired with mid range & sharp blades. Surprisingly the .50mm mid range plate shaves just as close and I'm often uncertain as to which side I've used as they both shave so smoothly and leave me with a DFS+ or BBS with touch ups.

I'd put the Rocca as a step up in efficiency and similarly smooth shaves with minimal blade feel. I can achieve an even 12+ BBS in 3 quick passes whereas I'd require more effort when using the Apollo or Charcoal Goods L2 for that matter. For some reason I'm always noticing quicker regrowth in my trouble spots when using the Apollo & CG L2...?

Its hard to beat the Apollo & CG's brass for build quality but from personal use I get the best results when using the Rocca V4! Only other razor that comes as close with consistently even BBS shaves was the WR1 standard SB but they only ever lasted 6+ hours long which is similar to those achieved when using the Apollo/CG L2 if I make the extra effort.

If I hadn't tried a Rocca V4 I'd have jumped at a WR1 or higher gapped WR2 but now I'm not as sure as I'm really enjoy these 3 razors withe no real need to add to my collection... :unsure:
Yeah I was reluctant to part with the R94 as the shaves are almost perfect but happy to lend it to the old man but now he's converted I need a replacement.

The Apollo is a well built razor with superior finish, a nimble head to shave those tough spots, great balance from handle and super smooth despite the small blade gaps: .50mm & .85mm. Its also a close shave with almost perfect amount of blade feel. For a first effort those clever Ukrainian's hit a home run producing a wonderful razor that deceptively shaves as good as it looks!

Having thick growth I would recommend the Apollo .85mm aggressive plate as it ticks all the right boxes: smoothness, efficiency when paired with mid range & sharp blades. Surprisingly the .50mm mid range plate shaves just as close and I'm often uncertain as to which side I've used as they both shave so smoothly and leave me with a DFS+ or BBS with touch ups.

I'd put the Rocca as a step up in efficiency and similarly smooth shaves with minimal blade feel. I can achieve an even 12+ BBS in 3 quick passes whereas I'd require more effort when using the Apollo or Charcoal Goods L2 for that matter. For some reason I'm always noticing quicker regrowth in my trouble spots when using the Apollo & CG L2...?

Its hard to beat the Apollo & CG's brass for build quality but from personal use I get the best results when using the Rocca V4! Only other razor that comes as close with consistently even BBS shaves was the WR1 standard SB but they only ever lasted 6+ hours long which is similar to those achieved when using the Apollo/CG L2 if I make the extra effort.

If I hadn't tried a Rocca V4 I'd have jumped at a WR1 or higher gapped WR2 but now I'm not as sure as I'm really enjoy these 3 razors withe no real need to add to my collection... :unsure:
You have convinced me, so thank you again for sharing your experience. Really think a Brich Rocca group buy is on the cards. I'm in!
Yeah I was reluctant to part with the R94 as the shaves are almost perfect but happy to lend it to the old man but now he's converted I need a replacement.

The Apollo is a well built razor with superior finish, a nimble head to shave those tough spots, great balance from handle and super smooth despite the small blade gaps: .50mm & .85mm. Its also a close shave with almost perfect amount of blade feel. For a first effort those clever Ukrainian's hit a home run producing a wonderful razor that deceptively shaves as good as it looks!

Having thick growth I would recommend the Apollo .85mm aggressive plate as it ticks all the right boxes: smoothness, efficiency when paired with mid range & sharp blades. Surprisingly the .50mm mid range plate shaves just as close and I'm often uncertain as to which side I've used as they both shave so smoothly and leave me with a DFS+ or BBS with touch ups.

I'd put the Rocca as a step up in efficiency and similarly smooth shaves with minimal blade feel. I can achieve an even 12+ BBS in 3 quick passes whereas I'd require more effort when using the Apollo or Charcoal Goods L2 for that matter. For some reason I'm always noticing quicker regrowth in my trouble spots when using the Apollo & CG L2...?

Its hard to beat the Apollo & CG's brass for build quality but from personal use I get the best results when using the Rocca V4! Only other razor that comes as close with consistently even BBS shaves was the WR1 standard SB but they only ever lasted 6+ hours long which is similar to those achieved when using the Apollo/CG L2 if I make the extra effort.

If I hadn't tried a Rocca V4 I'd have jumped at a WR1 or higher gapped WR2 but now I'm not as sure as I'm really enjoy these 3 razors withe no real need to add to my collection... :unsure:
So are you saying I should buy a Rocca instead of an Apollo?
So are you saying I should buy a Rocca instead of an Apollo?
I can only suggest what works for me as YMMV but judging by you're SOTD posts you have a preference for efficient razors so you'll be better served to get the Apollo Light + aggressive plate. Both plates shave super smooth and closer than a Game Changer .84P with a tad more efficiency in the .85mm plate.

Its hard to say don't get the Apollo as its a truly premium razor in everyway but seeing that you enjoy the Timeless Bronze OC so much then I'd suggest the Rocca as an affordable alternative and despite its satin SS finish it still presents well with different handle options that compliment the razor well.

Just lately I'm more inclined to grab the Rocca as its just a more consistent BBS shaver each time but now that it's gone to my old man I'm happy to settle for the Apollo on each plate as the shaves are DFS+ with minor effort needed to gain a BBS result. Throw in the CG L2 and there's very little between them...

The Rocca is really an under appreciated razor and bang for buck a great budget razor when purchased locally but I really wished BeardandBlade carried the birch bark as sets it apart from other razors but then again I found the R94 looked really nice and felt grippy when in use. (y)
You have convinced me, so thank you again for sharing your experience. Really think a Brich Rocca group buy is on the cards. I'm in!
Looking around the interweb there didn't appear to be many options selling the R95 version so I bit the bullet and went with connaught shaving as they offered a decent price and convenient shipping. If we could convince B&B to get some in it would be well worth a Group buy... :unsure:
Looking around the interweb there didn't appear to be many options selling the R95 version so I bit the bullet and went with connaught shaving as they offered a decent price and convenient shipping. If we could convince B&B to get some in it would be well worth a Group buy... :unsure:
Lol 'interweb', yes I know what it is being in ICT but I just don't hear it that often from my colleagues or others.

Sent a query to B&B to see what our options are, also asked about the set with the brush as another option.

To be really serious we'll need to get some committed numbers and hopefully local individual shipping included. Batch shipping during Covid is not going to work.
Lol 'interweb', yes I know what it is being in ICT but I just don't hear it that often from my colleagues or others.

Sent a query to B&B to see what our options are, also asked about the set with the brush as another option.

To be really serious we'll need to get some committed numbers and hopefully local individual shipping included. Batch shipping during Covid is not going to work.
I was impatient so made an order via evilbay as I couldn't resist trying the R95 but would love to see B&B stock it + set as the brush looks super sexy! :love:
I can only suggest what works for me as YMMV but judging by you're SOTD posts you have a preference for efficient razors so you'll be better served to get the Apollo Light + aggressive plate. Both plates shave super smooth and closer than a Game Changer .84P with a tad more efficiency in the .85mm plate.

Its hard to say don't get the Apollo as its a truly premium razor in everyway but seeing that you enjoy the Timeless Bronze OC so much then I'd suggest the Rocca as an affordable alternative and despite its satin SS finish it still presents well with different handle options that compliment the razor well.

Just lately I'm more inclined to grab the Rocca as its just a more consistent BBS shaver each time but now that it's gone to my old man I'm happy to settle for the Apollo on each plate as the shaves are DFS+ with minor effort needed to gain a BBS result. Throw in the CG L2 and there's very little between them...

The Rocca is really an under appreciated razor and bang for buck a great budget razor when purchased locally but I really wished BeardandBlade carried the birch bark as sets it apart from other razors but then again I found the R94 looked really nice and felt grippy when in use. (y)

my humble opinion is it is the BEST razor I have used so far (including the Timeless and WR2)
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