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Shave of the Day Thread - 2020

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Pre: WarmShower
Razor: Rocca R96
Blade: German Wilkies
Brush: Yaqi 2-Band badger
Soap: Fine Santal Absolut
: Santal Absolut Splash

Twas a fine day today!!!

No second use and blade feels excellent, tbh every blade I have tried has been great but the feather a little harsher than the rest.. the best so far is polsilver/wizamet
I swear I could push the Wizamet to 20 shaves before the need to bin it and when paired with Rocca it feels super smooth but shaves so cleanly! :love:
Was ok but much prefer feather, that’s is any razor.. I don’t mind nacet but like so many other blades before them
I used to think Nacet were the best blades in existence, until I recently experimented with Gillette 7 O'Clock Yellow, which are better than Nacet or Polsilver IMO. I had better get some more in before I start on my sabbatical...
I have a tuck of these, will give them a go
I'll be interested to hear how you go. You don't hear much about them; I think I got the impetus from that sharpness comparison that's lurking around somewhere, and bought a couple of tucks to play with (and was given some more as freebies). Another fine product from St Petersburg.
Pre-shave:- Shower
Brush:- WCS - Honeycomb 26mm tuxedo
Soap:- Tallow & Steel - Maya
Razor:- Muhle - Rocca R94
Blade:- Gillette Stainless (2)
Post Shave :- Tallow & Steel - Maya AS splash

2 pass + touchups shave wtg, xtg = dfs+
That was an enjoyable shave. The Gillette Stainless and the R94 worked really well. A very old school vintage feel. The blade is sharper than the wizamets, although to me, delivered a superior shave in respect to efficiency. (@SpeedyPC try this combo)

This is a real interesting soap. Scent notes Lime,| Allspice | Coffee | Cocoa | Cardamom | Sour Orange | Tobacco
To me it smells like a sweet, dark bay rum type scent, different to a traditional bay rum. Allspice and citrus dominate the scent.

Brush: TF Customs Clear/Yellow/Black 26mm 2 Band Finest
Razor: Charcoal Goods Gen 1 Antique Brass Level 2 + Stinger V1 handle (P&C 2019/20 LE Charity Auction)
Blade: Wizamet Super Iridiums (11)
Soap: Declaration Grooming & Chatillon Lux Yuzu/Rose/Patchouli
Pre: Shower
Post: Nivea 2 Phase A/S Lotion // TSW After Balm

Not quite a BBS this morning but a near perfect shave never the less and man does this razor hum!!! Feeling really refreshed. :)
Good Health & Happy Shaves!
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: Vintage butterscotch Culmak shaving brush
Soap/Cream: Squadron Soaps Empire shaving soap
Razor: Muhle Rocca Birch Bark Handle
Blade: Polsiver 'Brown' (3)
Post-shave: Squadron Soaps Empire splash
Fragrance: N/A

Not sure if @SchoolForAnts has made changes to the formula but this seems the slickest of his soaps yet! Very nice on first use.


Not quite a BBS this morning ...

You clearly are not worthy of that razor ;)
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