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Shave of the Day Thread - 2021

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I’ve been a little slack this last week I haven’t shaved in 5 days. Normally it is 2 or 3 days.
Heh, Mrs Gargravarr was complaining about my one-day stubble this morning, even though we were both sick from our COVID jabs at the same time. :rolleyes:

Give it a month, and you'll be happily shaving your dome with an R41, then you'll wind it back and discover Nirvana with a single-edge... :D
Sniper? Hmmmm

Stay back there hidden in the tree line ...

... stay right there, still like a sniper should ...

A hundred yards clearance from the tree line for @Mark1966 to breathe is NOTHING!!!

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I'll have to get my hands on an R41 first. No plans to move to single-edge yet, if at all!
If not an R41, then maybe a Razorock JAWS ;) But truth to tell, I have a feeling (judging from your previous posts) that you'll be very happy with a Rocca (ie R94, R95 or R96, according to your preference). Much milder and more forgiving than either of the OC beasties, but still very efficient.
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: J&C - Amber 24mm synthetic
Soap/Cream: A&E - Turkish Coffee
Razor: Muhle - Rocca R94
Blade: Gillette - Minora Stainless (10)
Post-shave: A&E - Turkish Coffee AS splash / A&E - skin food noushing cream.

2 pass WTG daily shave = DFS+. 10 shaves on the Minora blade and I can concur as per @Razor Burn comments. I will continue on shaving with this blade and razor combo. No doubt these are the best modern razor blade in production that I have used.
Pre-shave: Hot Shower
Brush: J&C - Amber 24mm synthetic
Soap/Cream: A&E - Turkish Coffee
Razor: Muhle - Rocca R94
Blade: Gillette - Minora Stainless (10)
Post-shave: A&E - Turkish Coffee AS splash / A&E - skin food noushing cream.

2 pass WTG daily shave = DFS+. 10 shaves on the Minora blade and I can concur as per @Razor Burn comments. I will continue on shaving with this blade and razor combo. No doubt these are the best modern razor blade in production that I have used.
+1 and greatful for the supply as both blades shave effortlessly in all the DEs I've tried (y)
Last few shaves

Brush: Alpha Shaving Brushes T-400 24mm AP Shave Co. Faux Horse
Razor: Timeless Bronze SB
Blade: Gillette Stainless Red & White (11) - thanks @rhodes96
Pre: Shower
Soap: Palmira sapun za brijanje
Bowl: Peréira Shavery Unbreakable Lather Bowl
Post: Nivea 2 Phase A/S Lotion & Sensitive Post Shave Balm // Byron Bay Medicinal Herbs Dragons Blood Beauty Serum
WTG, ATG, Touchups = BBS

Brush: Yaqi 30mm Tuxedo
Razor: Smart Helix Apollo H 0.85mm Aggressive Plate
Blade: Gillette Stainless red & White (12) - thanks @rhodes96
Pre: Shower
Soap: Palmira sapun za brijanje
Bowl: Peréira Shavery Unbreakable Lather Bowl
Post: Nivea 2 Phase A/S Lotion & Sensitive Post Shave Balm // Byron Bay Medicinal Herbs Dragons Blood Beauty Serum
WTG, ATG, Touchups = BBS+

Too slack and freezing cold for me to bother taking a morning pre-shave photo but none the less two great shaves to start the week. I've had this soap for ages and it the scent has dissipated but still managed to whip up some slick lather with the synthetic knot. I was anticipating sub par results using the milder Timeless Bronze but managed a smooth yet close shave thanks to the blade. Superior results using the aggressive plate in the Apollo on shave #12!

Stay Safe & Happy Shaves!

Razor-Gillette Rocket Hd
Blade-Kai (2)
Brush-Yaqi mysterious space 26mm tuxedo
Soap-long Rifle Brown Bess
Aftershave-Avon Oland

Was really anticipating this shave with Brown Bess but bit deflated after that. Immediately off the puck you get the cherry and flashbacks to childhood medicine you had on a spoon. Sure I'll give it a chance after its lather...still can't get past the cherry. If you are expecting pipe tobacco like Squadron captains blend you are surely to be disappointed. It seems pretty unbalanced to me. So much so after one shave I scooped a ton into a tin for a mate. Despite this the soap performs as well as any artisan soap on the market with thick yoghurt lather and top notch residual slickness.

On another note...I NEED more Kai blades. Effortless shave and highly rate them.

Oland kinda night... perfect. Glad I didn't order the Brown Bess aftershave.

Pre/Post: Nivea Skin & Stubble
Soap: Haslinger Aloe Vera
Brush: Yaqi Moka Express
Razor: Muhle Rocca
Blade: Derby Premium (3)

The derby premium started tugging on the second XTG pass so I abandoned it and went popped back in the Muhle stainless blade (3) which I had swapped out into my King C. Even that was on its last legs after my 3rd pass and gave myself a bit of razor burn cos I was getting annoyed.
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